Palestinian and Israeli doctors cooperate to save lives

September 16, 2014

Representatives from the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, the Wolfson Medical Center and Save a Child‘s Heart spent a day exploring how to deepen cooperation to improve cardiac care for Palestinian children and training for doctors from the Palestinian Authority. The meetings are part of Heart of the Matter, a project funded by USAID and the European Union Partnership for Peace, which ensures Palestinian children receive the cardiac care they need, both through treatment at the Wolfson Medical Center and by training Palestinian physicians in different fields related to pediatric cardiac care.There are currently five children from Gaza and one child from the West Bank who are at the Wolfson Medical Center for the life-saving surgery. There are also seven medical staff, including physicians and nurses who are specializing in pediatric cardiac careParticipants: Dr. Yitzhak Berlowitz, Director of WMC; Dr. Ahmad Betawe, Director of the Palestine Medical Complex; Dr. Ahmad Darwaze, Head of Cardiac Surgery at the Palestine Medical Complex; Dr. Mohammad Adie, Head of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at the PMC; Mr. Ayman Anaya, Head Administrator of Nurses and Doctors at PMOH; Dr. Flora Taher Baraguti, Head of Pediatric ICU, Palestine Medical Complex; Ms. Salam Alratrot, Head Nurse of Palestine Medical Complex; Dr. Aliyas Sorin, Head of Radiology Department at the WMC; Dr. Lior Sasson, Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the WMC; Prof. Tiberiu Enzri, Head of the Anesthesia Department at the WMC; Dr. Sion Houri, Director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the WMC; Dr. Wafiq Othman, Physician Coordinator for SACH; Tamar Shapira, PR Director of SACH; Inbal Shaviv, Development Director of SACH and Simon Fisher, Executive Director of SACH.